Zero Net Energy means 100% energy independence for your business
Corporations across the country are moving towards higher standards of sustainability and carbon neutrality. California is leading the country with a Zero Net Energy challenge, as noted on the CA.gov website:
All new commercial buildings will be built to ZNE specifications in 2030 and beyond
50% of commercial buildings will be retrofit to ZNE by 2030
In 2016, the Department of General Services (DGS) issued these definitions of zero net energy:
ZNE building: An energy-efficient building where, on a source energy basis, the actual annual consumed energy is less than or equal to the on-site renewable generated energy.
ZNE community: An energy-efficient community where, on a source energy basis, the actual annual consumed energy is less than or equal to the on-site renewable generated energy.
Solar power systems are crucial components to achieve zero net energy goals when designing, constructing or upgrading buildings. Along with wind, lighting and building automation systems, solar can help companies meet the California Energy Commission’s 2030 Net Zero Energy Challenge.
In many cases, solar alone can help you accomplish your ZNE goals. Here are some of the benefits:
Achieve independence from utility companies
- Reduce your electricity and/or gas usage and save money
Set the bar for your industry by asserting your belief in carbon neutrality
Show your community the importance of meeting renewable energy goals
Would you like your workplace or residential building to consume only as much power as it produces onsite from renewable energy technology? We have the skills, knowledge and technology to design, install and maintain renewable and energy-efficient electrical power systems.
Contact us for assistance in helping to achieve your Zero Net Energy goals.