School | PV | Concord, CA
This impressive installation was spread across three buildings, four shade structures (in two parking lots), and, a 232-foot-long trellis. The solar system required 14 inverters, a transformer, interconnection to three utility meters and considerable seismic retrofitting. 1,816 REC modules were installed on top of the buildings and canopies. An additional 134 translucent Lumos modules were mounted on the trellis.
Over the course of a year, the building rooftops will produce about 572 Megawatt hours (MWh) of electricity and the parking canopies will contribute another 437 MWh. Combined with the 54.9 MWh from the trellis, Carondelet's solar arrays will generate about 1.06 Gigawatt hours (1,063,500 kWh) of clean power annually.
According to the EPA's calculator, Carondelet's solar panels will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel generated electricity by the equivalent of 829 short tons of CO2 annually (tCO2e/a). This is equal to the emissions from 100 average cars traveling about 18,658 miles each. (1,865,849 miles). These 100 cars would burn 84,611 gallons of gasoline, which is enough to fill 10 tanker trucks. Bear in mind that these are annual figures!
Sun Light & Power is very proud of this stunning environmental, technological and aesthetic achievement.
Certain aerial photos courtesy of Luminia and Cleantech Communication.
Carondelet Catholic High School
Carondelet's remarkable solar installation features PV on three buildings, four shade structures, and a trellis.
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